Meet the Designer of the Love Elevates Refugee Relief Network Logo
Arch Alaa El Wahidi, a refugee himself from Palestine, and a student at Webster University Athens, has designed the beautiful and deeply meaningful logo for Love Elevates Refugee Relief Network. The design eloquently represents rising from darkness and despair through education and community engagement. I have known Alaa since he arrived at Ritsona Refugee Camp, where we were both volunteers with Café Rits, an independently run program that organizes supplemental food distribution and social events for residents of Ritsona. Alaa received his degree in architecture and design from the University of Palestine. He introduced me to the program at Webster University and helped me identify opportunities for other refugees there. LERRN is deeply grateful for Alaa’s contribution, and we admire his ability to capture the essence of the arduous journey of a refugee in this powerful image. We are so honored to welcome him among our community.
In Solidarity,
Jennifer Moiles